Five things you could do right now to help raise your profile.

One - be visible

Develop insights, blogs and post regularly on your website/share in newsletters, link to social media and use key words to ensure good SEO. Be visible, consistent and authentic.

Two - join the conversation

Social Media - follow your clients, influencers, key journalists, peers and the sectors you are and wish to be working in. What are they talking about? Join the conversation if you have something of value to add, use relevant hashtags and handles to get the eyes and ears of those you wish to reach. Always ‘speak’ with authenticity. No sales pitches, it’s no-no and a complete turn off. 

Three - know your audience

Explore the media / publications that you wish to appear in. Who is the news editor, feature editor? What is their content focused on and who is it aimed at? Think of how you may be able to contribute. And if you feel you have something of interest, get in touch.

Four - be proactive

Start a media/journalists list. Many journalists are freelancers who specialise in sectors such as design, architecture and so on, often writing for a number of publications. Make a note of who they are, what they cover and how to get in touch. Search the #journorequest and #prrequest hashtags on twitter. Often they are looking for commentary from experts on articles they are writing, respond immediately (time is of the essence) if you have something to offer that you feel is relevant.

Five - plan ahead

Identify a timeline of project / brand launches, milestones and announcements for the coming 6-12months. Planning ahead is key with publications, in particular the long leads. If launches are around client work, ensure you have permission from your client to talk about the work before approaching publications. 

And finally, remember that; GREAT. IMAGES. ARE. KEY.

Good luck!


P.S. Still feel you need some help? Then drop me a line here to request a free, no obligation call to discuss where you are and where you want to be with your business.

Julia James